01. Effective Teaching & Learning

02. Use of English language

03. Teacher driven development


  • For decades Rwanda has been one of the Francophone countries in Africa where the language of instruction in education, business, power, and civilization was French.
  • In 2009, the English language became the sole language used as a medium of instruction at all levels of education.
  • This new move made most of teachers at all levels face serious challenges to teach in English because their English proficiency was poor.
  • ATER was born in 2009 to reinforce the teaching, learning and use of English language in Rwanda, and it was granted legal status on December 6, 2011.

ATER changed my life and revitalized the leadership spirit, by showing that education is a career you can do and enjoy.

Sonia Kamariza

English Teacher

I acquired so many ELT skills and ethics which I consider to be the best to use and applying them in the English classroom.

Laurien Ikuzwe

English Teacher

ATER has developed my sense of feeling responsible, taking the initiative to help others in our teaching career.

JMV Ntawirema

English Teacher
